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  • Testimonials | Lado International

    Camila Viteri - Colombia LADO supports me, and the experience with virtual class was really interesting. We studied in small groups so all the students could participate and we talked a lot every class! Now, I miss my meetings and my teacher. Salina Khanna - USA I have learned many lessons by being here. It has taught me how to improve my English communication skills and how to perfect my other languages, too. I have also earned a LADO TEFL Certificate, learned about many people, and been surrounded by so many different cultures. I am fortunate to have found LADO. Erna Indaryati - Indonesia They helped me a lot with grammar, writing, and speaking. You have the best teachers ever. If not because of LADO, I wouldn’t have gotten the job at the US Embassy in Cambodia that required me to use a lot of English grammar and writing. It was a big change for my career. Thank you so much, Lado International! Akhtar Khan- Pakistan Learning a new language is always considered an uphill struggle, but at LADO, it's just a piece of cake. Join us and give it a try! Ariane Giraldes - Brazil I’ve been living in the USA for one and a half years as an au pair. I was feeling a bit stuck with my English: I felt that it was good enough to communicate but I wanted to improve. What I have to say right now is that I achieved my goal. I had a great experience. My teacher, Daniel, was the best I ever had. I’m really satisfied with my improvement and with everything I learned. Tiger Nemir- Saudi Arabia It's my pleasure to say that LADO was an amazing experience for me, and I've learned a lot thanks to my teachers. Also, the whole staff over there is so generous and I'm glad that I met them. Thank you all for everything.

  • LADO Institute | english programs

    Are you interested in learning English? Look no further! At LADO International Institute, we offer a wide range of English programs and courses tailored to meet your specific language goals. Whether you're preparing for the TOEFL exam or seeking to improve your English proficiency for academic or professional purposes, our experienced instructors will provide you with top-notch instruction. Additionally, we offer guidance and assistance for students applying for a student visa, ensuring a smooth transition to your English learning journey. Start your language adventure with us and unlock a world of opportunities!

  • FAQ | Lado International

    Frequently Asked Questions I want to start learning English now! How can I register for classes? It’s simple! To register, just fill out our online application here . After you finish the application online, we will email you a placement test sometime before the first day of the program that you would like to join. That placement test will help determine which level of our program will suit your skills and needs best. After you’re placed, you will receive information about how to use Microsoft Teams and how to get your books – and then you’ll be ready for class! ​ I am an F1 student at another school, but I want to transfer to LADO. How can I do this? No problem! After you’ve applied to LADO and been accepted, an Admissions Officer can assist you with the process of changing schools. You will need to have your SEVIS record transferred, you will need to provide LADO with certain necessary documents, and there will be a small transfer fee. Please note: US Law requires that F1 students transferring to LADO must select an intensive program of study (Morning, Afternoon, or Evening) and will be required to start classes in the next session available. ​ What kind of records will I get after finishing my course with LADO? LADO International Institute is accredited by ACCET, a highly-respected national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. Upon completion of a LADO program, you will receive a transcript and a certificate demonstrating your achievement in English. The transcript will also include the dates of your program, your grades, and the number of Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) in English that you have earned at LADO. If needed, you can use this transcript to verify to your employer, your Au Pair agency, etc. that you have fulfilled your credit requirements in English education. ​ I need to prepare for the TOEFL exam. Do you have a program to help with that? Yes, we do! All of our advanced ESL programs prepare you for the Academic English needed for the TOEFL exam, and each of our upper levels (7-10) give you a chance to focus on the skill groups that are the most difficult for you (reading, writing, listening, or speaking). Additionally, if your English level is quite advanced, you may join our TOEFL Preparation Course, in which you will take practice TOEFL tests, learn advanced vocabulary and test-taking strategies, and push your English to its limits. ​ What is TEFL? Am I too old/too young to take part in the TEFL Certificate Program? TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is teaching English to people who do not speak English as their first language. Many people use their TEFL certificate abroad, but the need for this type of instruction here in the United States is expanding every day. After all, TEFL is what LADO does every day, and has been doing for over 40 years! Other acronyms like TESOL, TESL, & CELTA are also in use and refer to the same or similar educational fields. Our TEFL Certificate program is a great opportunity for people of all ages, from recent college grads to retirees looking for a new career. Each session includes people from many different backgrounds with one common goal: learning how to teach ESL. ​ Do you have more questions a bout immigration, visa requirements, financial requirements, change of status, etc.? We understand that coming to the United States, dealing with visa procedures, and generally being an international student can be a difficult and confusing process. Here at LADO, we are happy to help guide you through these tricky situations. For more Frequently Asked Questions, please click here , or apply now to be put into contact with an Admissions Officer directly. We are here for you! ​ What will I need to take an online or hybrid class? You will need a computer, phone or tablet. Online and hybrid classes are conducted using Microsoft TEAMS. You can download the Microsoft TEAMS app on your mobile or desktop device for free. ​

  • Learning English at LADO | Lado International

    Our Founder Dr. Robert Lado LADO International is proud to be a family-owned institution. Our founder, Dr. Robert Lado, opened LADO over 40 years ago. In addition to being an expert in Applied Linguistics, Dr. Lado was also a researcher, author, professor, and scholar. In his lifetime, he fathered ten children, wrote over 150 articles, and published many books on language teaching and testing, including The Lado English Series. After a lifetime of teaching and award-winning research, Dr. Lado put his Total Approach methodology into practice at the LADO Institute. His Learning – Acquisition – Facility (L-A-F) hypothesis of language learning, and his own personal experience learning English, made LADO the leader in ESL education that it is today, and we are confident that it will continue to help students (just like you!) to learn English for many years to come. LADO METHOD Total Approach Method Our founder, Dr. Robert Lado, did not believe that adults should learn a second language based on a first language model. Instead, he believed that adults could be very active and efficient learners by simultaneously using both natural exposure to English and a more structured approach to learning. At LADO, our teachers follow Dr. Lado’s legacy of teaching excellence by using the Total Approach methodology and the LAF learning model in their classrooms. The Total Approach methodology is a student-centered, communicative approach to language teaching. It considers the native language knowledge and experience that learners bring to the classroom as valuable tools for learning. Finally, Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing skills are taught together starting at the beginning levels, so that you can start communicating as quickly as possible. Learning In the learning phase, students experience language samples and learn words and expressions in context. ​ Assimilation In the assimilation phase, students discover the structure and patterns of the language through examples, grammar explanations, practice exercises, and corrections. Assimilation involves thinking by analogy, induction and deduction. Facilitation In the final phase, facilitation, students demonstrate mastery of the language in new contexts that require thinking and choice. Students move away from manipulation of the language structures and concentrate on meaning and intentions. Lado Series Like many other ESL programs, we believe that students learn better when they have a clear structure to follow. Unlike other programs, however, LADO’s specialized textbooks have been designed to help you learn English according to the best ESL research available, and revised to fit modern learners’ needs. For Levels 1-6, students use textbooks developed by Dr. Robert Lado himself, and each book follows a clear path to great proficiency using a blend of grammar, practice, reading & writing, and listening & speaking. For Levels 7-TOEFL, the NorthStar series of textbooks brings an additional component of technology to class, allowing learners to focus in on more advanced skills with practice in real-life interviews, lectures, and videos. ​ Regardless of level, teachers also include authentic English examples and fun activities to supplement the textbook and keep learners engaged and enjoying the learning process.

  • LIIPT | Lado International

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  • ULE | Lado International

    ULE means "Upper Level Elective". These are courses in specific English subjects that help you improve your English through discussions, presentations, writing and reading. Please see the ULEs that LADO currently offers. Opening a specific ULE in a program depends on enrollment. ULE COURSES OUR ULE COURSES TOEFL Prep American Culture The LADO TOEFL® preparation course provides students with comprehensive training in all areas covered by this university entrance examination. The LADO TOEFL® preparation course features the most up-to-date, realistic practice tests and cooperative learning strategies led by some of the most experienced teachers in the field. Students may take this class after successfully completing Level 10 or by placing into the class based on their placement test scores. Business English This course provides integrated training in speaking, listening and writing skills using common business contexts. Students participate in role-playing and task-oriented business activities that they are likely to encounter in an office meeting. Throughout the course, the students will acquire business vocabulary and review basic grammar. Reflect 6 Listening & Speaking (CEFR-C1) Students will expand their vocabulary, improve their public speaking and presentation skills during this course. This course has an integrated approach that includes all four language skills and focuses on further refining listening and speaking skills. Each unit in REFLECT text includes grammar structures, review and practice, pronunciation practice, vocabulary expansion, and activities to further develop students' critical thinking skills. World Link This course focuses on helping students develop their communication skills while learning new vocabulary. Lessons are centered around relevant global topics and videos. In this course students will examine and discuss different elements of American life such as education, race relations, business, government and religion. Through readings, presentations and debates, students will expand their vocabulary, critical thinking and oral skills. Business Bundle The Business Bundle ULE consists of 3 crucial workshops for professionals to excel in any organization, be that corporate, academic or government. Workshop 1: Effective Presentations Workshop-Students will learn to create winning presentations for both school and work. Workshop 2: Effective Writing Workshop-Students will focus on practicing professional writing, such as emails, meeting minutes, reports and proposals. Workshop 3: Business Etiquette and Protocols-Learning how to relate to others in the workplace is critical for success. In this course, students will learn about international etiquette and be provided guidelines for the practice of business etiquette across different situations. University Prep Writing 1 & 2 In this course students will focus on the conventions of academic essay writing skills needed for university success. Throughout the course, students will write academic essays during in-class writing workshops while finetuning their grammar and punctuation. Moreover, students will gain an understanding of what academic integrity is at the university level. University Prep Writing 1 will focus on REFLECT 6 Units 1-4 and University Prep Writing 2 will focus on REFLECT 6 Units 5-8. For more information on what ULEs are offered in a program, please contact the following: ​ Morning and Afternoon Program Director Evening Program Director We invite you to complete a short survey to let us know which of these courses you are interested in joining. GO TO THE SURVEY

  • Photo Gallery | Lado International

    LADOLIFE GALLERY DC FIELD TRIP 2023 (04- 19-2023) DC FIELD TRIP 2023 (04-19 -2023) DC FIELD TRIP 2023 (04 -20 -2023) 1/1 1/1 1/1 PERUVIAN STUDENTS DELEGATION (04- 20-2023) NYC FIELD TRIP 2023 (04-21-2023) 1/1 1/1

  • Afternoon Intensive

    Afternoon Intensive Back Price $ 740 Previous Next Great for busy parents, au pairs, & anyone who prefers to have their mornings & evenings free! Popular choice for F1 students. Affordable tuition, so you can get a great deal AND achieve your goals Read our cancellation and refunds policy Apply Now! Read our Fee Schedule Effective

  • TEFL | Lado International

    Your new career is just a click away! Whether you are looking for a fresh start, a chance to work & travel overseas, or an opportunity to improve your teaching skills, the LADO TEFL Certificate is your ticket to success. ​ What makes us different? With LADO’s TEFL Certificate, you get 135 hours of instruction and hands-on practice with expert teachers in the field of English-language instruction. Other TEFL programs provide you with a short practicum & send you into the classroom feeling unprepared. At LADO, however, we believe that “practice makes perfect” — which is why our TEFL program gives you at least 10 hours of guided teaching with real ESL students. From classroom management strategies to grammar instruction and everything in between, you and your classmates will learn and implement modern ESL teaching strategies — and when you leave, you’ll carry with you one of the most well-respected TEFL certificates on the market. ​ Intensive Program With LADO’s TEFL Certificate Intensive Program, you’ll be learning with your teacher trainer every Monday to Thursday. Each course lasts for 4 weeks, for a total of 135 hours. That’s an entire course designed for you to be able to go to work and still earn your TEFL certificate in 1 month! ​ We have an upcoming date for our TEFL course, contact us to be part of this course: June 26th-July 23rd. Monday-Thursday. Time: 09:00am - 4:30pm (in-person). 13.5 CEUs/135 hours. ​ Join Us!!! ​ Request a meeting to start your application First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Private Tutorials

    Private Tutorials Back Price $ 40 Previous Next Specialized instruction to fit your needs! • 1-on-1 practice & correction with a trained LADO teacher. • Design your own schedule; set your own pace. • Available in English or Spanish. Completely virtual & in real time, so you can talk with your teacher face-to-face and never need to leave your own home! Possible topics include: • Professional English • TOEFL/IELTS exam prep. • Speaking & listening practice • Academic English • Accent reduction lessons • And much more! Read our cancellation and refunds policy Apply Now! Read our Fee Schedule Effective

  • Visa Information | Lado International

    F1 Student Visa Application Only available to foreigners living outside the USA, who want to apply for an F1 student visa with an I-20 Form from LADO. Applying to LADO will take a maximum of three business days. To get your F1 visa, please plan your trip as much in advance as possible (ideally, three to four months in advance). Prepare your documents: A copy of your passport A copy of your bank statement (not older than 60 days) with a balance of at least $19,000 (or the equivalent in your country’s currency, corresponding to 12 sessions). Do you have a sponsor? If your sponsor is a citizen or resident (permanent or temporary) of the USA, he/she must fill out the I-134: If your sponsor is not in the USA, he/she must write a simple letter (not notarized) stating that he/she will support your studies at LADO as well as your living expenses. Complete our easy online application , upload the documents mentioned above, and pay the $100 non-refundable application fee. Get your F1 Visa: After you receive the I-20 Form from LADO, Pay the SEVIS fee ($350) and print the I-901 to take it with you to the US Consulate for your visa interview: Open the US Embassy webpage in your country. Complete the DS-160 Form to apply for an F1 visa, pay the required visa interview fee and set up an appointment with the embassy. Receive your F1 visa and come to study with us. Arrive at least 1 week before classes start, take your placement test, and register for class. Request your new active I-20 once your classes start. ​ ​ F1 Transfer to LADO Available to F1 students in the USA attending classes in another school, who want to transfer their I-20 to LADO, or for F1 students who want to transfer to LADO before the start of their program at the other school. Just three very easy steps to transfer to LADO! The transfer process is very fast! You can transfer any time before a new session starts. 1. Prepare your documents: A copy of your passport A copy of your I-20 A copy of your I-94 A copy of your F1 visa or Change of Status approval letter A copy of your bank statement (not older than 60 days) with a balance of at least $4,500 (or the equivalent in your country’s currency). The International Transfer Form for Vienna Campus (Download Here) ​ 2. Complete our easy online application , upload the documents mentioned above, and just pay the $100 non-refundable application fee and the first month of tuition. a. We will contact you within 1 working day. b. Fill out the top of the International Transfer Form and take it or send it to your current school. c. Your current school will email the International Transfer Form to LADO. If you are “in status” and we have received the required documentation, LADO will issue an acceptance letter for you. Take it or send it to your former school, and the school will release your SEVIS I-20 record to LADO. 3. Register for class. Come to LADO, take your placement test, and register for class! Note: Don’t forget to request your new active I-20 once your classes start. ​ Change of Status If you are “in status” in the United States and your visa allows you to change your status, LADO will assist you during the process before making any payment, please contact us to request a free appointment with one of our DSO (Designated School Official) and bring your documents. What do you need to do? Prepare your documents:​ A copy of your passport A copy of your visa Form I-94: Complete a Form I-539: A letter explaining why you want to study English in the USA and not in your country. A copy of your bank statement, not older than 60 days, with a balance of at least $12,500 or the equivalent in your country’s currency. Do you have a sponsor? If your sponsor is a citizen or resident (permanent or temporary) of the USA, he/she must fill out the I-134: If your sponsor is not in the USA, he/she must write a simple letter (not notarized) stating that he/she will support your studies at LADO as well as your living expenses. Complete our online application, bring or upload your documents, and pay the $100 non-refundable fee. Send all the package to USCIS and wait for your Change of Status approval. ​ ​

  • English Programs | Lado International

    Program Price Description 2 Day Intensive 740 Ideal for F-1 students seeking to condense a regular 5-day schedule into a 2-day schedule, and still comply with the SEVIS-required 18 hours per week. Morning Intensive 740 Perfect for F1 students & anyone hoping for a full-time English immersion experience. Our most popular program, the Morning Intensive program lets you become a full-time. student on a standard school schedule. Afternoon Intensive 740 Great for busy parents, au pairs, & anyone who prefers to have their mornings & evenings free! Popular choice for F1 students. Affordable tuition, so you can get a great deal AND achieve your goals Evening Intensive 740 Do your studying at night & have your entire day free! Popular choice for “night-owl” F1 students. Same accelerated pace: The perfect option for a student with a busy day! Morning Semi-Intensive 630 Best option to free your afternoons and evenings! You also have all Fridays for yourself! Afternoon Semi-Intensive 630 Not a morning person, and want the night free, we got your back, we have afternoon classes as well! Best option to free your morning and evenings! You also have all Fridays for yourself! Evening Semi-Intensive 630 Work during the day, learn English at night! Preferred option for busy professionals. Keep your Friday nights for yourself! Private Tutorials 40 Specialized instruction to fit your needs! • 1-on-1 practice & correction with a trained LADO teacher. • Design your own schedule; set your own pace. • Available in English or Spanish. Completely virtual & in real time, so you can talk with your teacher face-to-face and never need to leave your own home! Possible topics include: • Professional English • TOEFL/IELTS exam prep. • Speaking & listening practice • Academic English • Accent reduction lessons • And much more! SCHEDULES 2024 - 2025

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