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ULE means "Upper Level Elective".

These are courses in specific English subjects that help you improve your English through discussions, presentations, writing and reading. Please see the ULEs that LADO currently offers. Opening a specific ULE in a program depends on enrollment.




American Culture

The LADO TOEFL® preparation course provides students with comprehensive training in all areas covered by this university entrance examination.

The LADO TOEFL® preparation course features the most up-to-date, realistic practice tests and cooperative learning strategies led by some of the most experienced teachers in the field. Students may take this class after successfully completing Level 10 or by placing into the class based on their placement test scores.  

Business English

This course provides integrated training in speaking, listening and writing skills using common business contexts. Students participate in role-playing and task-oriented business activities that they are likely to encounter in an office meeting. Throughout the course, the students will acquire business vocabulary and review basic grammar.  

Reflect 6
Listening & Speaking (CEFR-C1) 

Students will expand their vocabulary, improve their public speaking and presentation skills during this course. This  course  has  an  integrated approach  that  includes  all  four  language  skills  and  focuses  on  further  refining  listening  and speaking skills. Each unit in  REFLECT  text  includes  grammar  structures,  review and practice, pronunciation practice, vocabulary expansion, and activities to further develop students' critical thinking skills.   

World Link

This course focuses on helping students develop their communication skills while learning new vocabulary. Lessons are centered around relevant global topics and videos. 

In this course students will examine and discuss different elements of American life such as education, race relations, business, government and religion.
Through readings, presentations and debates, students will expand their vocabulary, critical thinking and oral skills.  

Business Bundle

The Business Bundle ULE consists of 3 crucial workshops for professionals to excel in any organization, be that corporate, academic or government. 

Workshop 1: Effective Presentations Workshop-Students will learn to create winning presentations for both school and work. 

Workshop 2: Effective Writing Workshop-Students will focus on practicing professional writing, such as emails, meeting minutes, reports and proposals.   

Workshop 3: Business Etiquette and Protocols-Learning how to relate to others in the workplace is critical for success. In this course, students will learn about international etiquette and be provided guidelines for the practice of business etiquette across different situations. 

University Prep Writing 1 & 2

In this course students will focus on the conventions of academic essay writing skills needed for university success. Throughout the course, students will write academic essays during in-class writing workshops while finetuning their grammar and punctuation. Moreover, students will gain an understanding of what academic integrity is at the university level. University Prep Writing 1 will focus on REFLECT 6 Units 1-4 and University Prep Writing 2 will focus on REFLECT 6 Units 5-8.  

For more information on what ULEs are offered in a program, please contact the following:


Morning and Afternoon Program Director


Evening Program Director

We invite you to complete a short survey to let us know which of these courses you are interested in joining. 

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